A Life Of Food
Digging for the Black Diamond
It must be a misunderstanding. A classic "Lost in Translation” moment. I thought we had come to hunt for truffles. The Black Diamond. That musty-smelling, expensive fungi, adored by toque-wearing chefs in Michelin restaurants. I thought there would be dogs, expert...
Why English Sparkling Wine Is So Damn Good
It is the year 1652, and Christopher Merret – an English Scientist, Physician, Naturalist and Mettalurgist - has just documented how to put the fizz into English Sparkling wine. This is over 30 years before the French monk Dom Pierre Perignon was alleged to have...
Sun Surfing and Street Food in Croyde
Do it with passion or not at all. That's how the saying goes. And shouldn't it apply to all of us, whatever it is that we do for a living? Sometimes though that passion can be difficult to maintain if you’re in a job that is nothing more than that. Just a job. A way...